Izzy is the daughter of Alexandra Tremaine who is an amazing photographer and one of my dearest and closest friends . You can check out her wedding and portrait portfolio at tremainephotography.com and her lifestyle commercial work at alexandratremaine.com. Alexandra and I met the first week of College at Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara. I remember many a late night working together on projects and deadlines. Shortly after I graduated and moved away, Alexandra had a beautiful baby girl. I was able to visit at Isabelle’s birth and again when she was 6 months old. When Alexandra graduated, she moved back home to Connecticut and accepted a position as a teacher and school photographer at Suffield Academy where she had attended high school. I had the opportunity to photograph Izzy when I was on a trip to the east coast, and again when they came back to visit us in Tahoe. I hope these photos can give you a glimpse of the precious relationship the two of them have. Alexandra is a courageous woman and wonderful mother. These first images were taken when Izzy’s birth….