Bret Cole's


Category Archives: Families

The Cook Family, Bodega bay

This beautiful mama happens to be an amazing singer-songwriter. You can give her a little listen and you might just “find yourself humming the tune all day long.” She has a gorgeous family as well who I had the honor of photographing. Thanks to all who helped make this cold, wet day a success:). Hair &…

baby magnus

I’ve had the honor of photographing my beloved cousin Ingrid as she became engaged, married, expecting, and now as a beautiful mother. Her family has been through some earth shaking events in the past few years…both heart wrenching and up-lifting. Ingrid is a woman of strength, hope, love and perseverance. Words can not express how much…

Little Cash, Pismo Beach

I had the opportunity to photograph my friend and talented photographer Michelle Warren and her two year old, Cash. He is non-stop!! I had so much fun chasing him around capturing beautiful moments of him with his mama. They are expecting a new little addition to the family in less than a month. If you’re…

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